Sweet Delicious Gifts

July 21st, 2015

A chocolate gift is one of the most delicious gifts for your loved one. They are sweet and satisfying. A homemade recipe adds to the charm of chocolate. There are many recipes that you can make at home and then gift them. My favourite is Dark Chocolate and Banana Truffles, and I am going to share that recipe to you.

Dark Chocolate and Banana Truffles



  • 170 grams of dark chocolate
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup heavy cream
  • 1/2 cup mashed ripe banana


  • 225 grams of chopped dark chocolate
  • 1-2 teaspoon of cocoa butter which is optional


Take a round cake pan and line it with aluminium foil. Take a heat proof bowl, and put in it your finely chopped chocolates. Warm the cream in a sauce pan but don’t let it boil. Pour that cream over your chopped chocolate, let it sit for some thirty seconds and then stir it until it gets smooth. Put this mixture in a food processor and add banana to it. Churn until smooth and the stir in the vanilla extract. Now pour this mixture into your prepared cake pan. Smooth the top of it with a plastic and let it stay refrigerated for at least 4 hours, even better if you let it be overnight.

Remove the cake pan from your fridge and gently lift the frozen chocolate cake with the foil and gently remove the top plastic sheet. With a cookie cutter, cut out the pieces from the whole block. Arrange it on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Now, gentle melt the chocolate but don’t let it overheat. Using a fork, dip each of your chocolate banana cookie in the melted chocolate and then keep then on another parchment lined baking sheet. Sprinkle on them some decorations before the chocolate hardens. You can use it for a week by storing it in fridge.

On a second thought, I think I can tell you another of my favourite recipe which is Fudge Brownie Cheesecake Bites. These are pretty easy to make.

Fudge Brownie Cheesecake Bites

Buy one cheesecake and scoop it along with the crust. Put it on the wax paper and refrigerate it for 20-30 minutes. Now put a pan with water over gas foil boiling. In another heat safe bowl, put the chocolate for melting. Make sure the boiling water doesn’t get to touch the pan with the chocolate. Take out the cheese cake and gently roll it in to balls. Now dip these in melted chocolate. Repeat the same process with each of the scoop. Let the chocolate set at room temperature first and then put it in the fridge to set. These are ready to satisfy your sweet tooth.

These recipes are hassle free and easy to make. Moreover, they are just delicious and your personal touch makes it just perfect for gifting it to someone very close to you. For those, who crave for something sweet every now and then, make these and store them for indulging into the sweetest sinful taste that will make you crave for more.