Pomegranate and Pistachio cake

June 18th, 2015

This cake is covered with yogurt icing and has eye studding pomegranates around it. Originated from Turkey, the Pistachio cake is truly yummy and incredible. Why bake the same old kind of cakes, go ahead and experiment.

Things you need for this innovative cake:

For the cake:-

300 grams of yoghurt (homemade)
100grams pistachio
150gramsof sugar
150grams of oil or butter
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla essence
300 grams all-purpose flour
2 tsp of baking powder
A pinch of salt

For the icing: –

Half pomegranate
250grams of icing sugar
and 50grams of natural yoghurt

Method to create the dessert: –

1. Preheat your oven to 160 degrees. Now beat eggs lightly in another container and set it aside. Wash the pistachio.

2. Make the pistachio into a fine powder.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk the sugar and oil together. Mix until the sugar has completely dissolved. Start slowly by adding eggs and vanilla essence. Now, add yoghurt, flour, baking powder, salt and the powdered pistachios. Keep stirring them lightly.

4. Put the batter into a baking tin which has been greased a little with butter. Bake for about 45 to 50 minutes. Put a toothpick or skewer and check if it comes out clean. After this is done, let the sponge cake cool.

5. While the cake is medium hot, start putting the pomegranate skin on the sides of the sponge with your hands and spread it out evenly. Some might fall off you’re the gaps of your fingers but that is okay. You can continue putting them.

6. Put the icing sugar in a container and add the yoghurt. Mix these two well until it seems thick and doesn’t fall off the bowl. Pour it out on top of the cooled cake and slowly let it fall on the sides too. Once it has stopping falling, take some pomegranate juice and put small drops on the cake (this is just for the flavour). If the icing goes on the sides, it will hold the pomegranate well.

7. If the pieces of the pomegranate are falling off then let your cake cool in the fridge for 10 minutes, and then retry the method again. Make sure you put a good amount of seeds on the sides. The main taste comes from the fruit and pistachio. So keep in mind to place a handful of seeds and to use enough pistachios in the recipe. The baking might take time but at the end it is totally worth it!

8. Once it is cooled well in the refrigerator for about an hour, the cake is ready to serve.

 We hope this recipe was useful and something you have never tried before. Baking cakes can be a super fun thing. You just have to follow these simple and easy steps to get the perfect one. If you are not really the ones who enjoy cooking, then you can send cake delivery in UK to your loved ones.