How to use leftover cake

November 18th, 2015

We all have been there when leftover cake is sitting in our fridge and it stares at us all the time we open the fridge to pick out something else. There are some fun and tasty recipes you can make with leftover cake bits. These are easy and time saving recipes, which are not only delicious but the best way to use cake leftovers. Make sure the cake is in a good shape when it comes to the taste and smell. If the cake smells funky, then discard it because it means you have been saving it in your fridge for a long time. Nonetheless, if you want to know how to make few fun cakes leftover

  1. Do you have a cake filled with white icing all over it? Well, if yes, then you can make this fun red velvet cake type of jar and give this to your kids for their post lunch dessert at school. You can also make these as gifts and send it to someone. Take a mason jar and add a flat layer of the cake at the bottom. Now add some red sweet syrup (raspberry or cherry syrup or jam is preferred). Add yet another layer of the icing cake and continue this alternative step until you reach almost the top. Now add a little extra icing on the top (if you have some at home) or simply add icing from the cake and you are done! You can also send this along with any cake delivery as a gift.
  2. Mashed delight – This is the easiest way to use leftover cake. Just take a medium sized bowl and mix the cake leftovers in it. Mash it gentle and add some vanilla ice-cream, cream or any fruits. This can be eaten right on spot or stored in the fridge or heated if you want. Simple, right?
  3. Smoothies – Yes, you can simply add the cake leftovers in smoothies on top for flavour or if your cake is filled with chocolate then add in the food processor!
  4. Fruity overload – Do your kids or you hate eating fruits just like that? Do you have your favourite cake leftovers sitting in the fridge? If yes, then use it now. Chop tiny pieces of fruits and set them aside. Now take a huge glass, which has a big circular circumference. Add a little chocolate sauce in the bottom, add the cake layer and put in some fruit pieces. Put a little chocolate sauce and continue the previous process. Keep doing this until this mix reaches almost 3/4th of the glass. Top it with a layer of cake and you are done! This is the best way to consume fruits in a tasty way and to use your left over cake pieces.
  5. Just eat it – Yes, just take all the pieces, heat them to refresh them in the oven and add a little of your favourite chocolate sauce, sweet syrup or cream.

These easy tips always work wonders!