How does apple keep the doctor away?

December 10th, 2015

We all have heard this phrase since childhood – an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But have you ever wondered how a mere piece of fruit can prevent you from visiting the doctor? What is so great about this fruit? If you still don’t know about it, we are here to give you the top benefits of eating apples! Read on.

Say hi to apple and bye to Alzheimer’s – Several studies have been performed on mice to give a scientific backup to this. If you drink apple juice every day, you can keep Alzheimer’s far away. It helps fight the results of ageing, which impact the brain. Mice were fed an apple each and they showed high levels of acetylcholine. The mice also fetched better results in the maze tests.

Smile wider with whiter teeth – Sure the fruit does not act like your toothbrush. However, when you chew and bite it, it stimulates production of the saliva in mouth which reduces tooth decay through decreasing the bacteria levels in the teeth.

Keep Parkinson’s far away – According to various studies, those who intake fruits and high-fibre goods have a great amount of safety from Parkinson’s, which is a deadly disease in which the brain’s nerve cells breakdown.

Never fear cancer – The researchers at the American Association for Cancer Research say that the intake of apples, which are rich in flavonol help prevent the danger of developing cancer to a large extent. Further, the scientists at the Cornell University said that apple peel has triterpenoids which again is excellent for the prevention of cancer in breast, colon and liver.

Say “never” to diabetes – People, who consume at least an apple each a day, are much less likely to be diagnosed with diabetes. Apples are very rich in soluble fibre which is the main to maintain your blood sugar levels.

Help yourself with cholesterol – Apples are rich in soluble fibre which in the intestine blends with fats and thus reduces your cholesterol levels.

Take pride in your healthy heart – Another compound found in the skin of apples, phenolic prevents cholesterol which penetrates into the system by solidifying the body’s artery walls.

Do not fear gallstones – Too much cholesterol in the bile causes gallstone, which can be prevented with a diet, which is high in fibre. Fibre controls weight and eventually the cholesterol level.

Stay free of constipation and diarrhoea – Fibre is very helpful in both cases. Fibre both extracts water from the colon as well as absorbs water from the stool to help you in both conditions.

Let not haemorrhoid come your way – When the vein in the canal of the anal gets swollen, the condition is called haemorrhoids. This is very painful but can be prevented by fibre.

Apart from these amazing health benefits, this tasty fruit also control ones weight, detoxify the liver, prevent eye cataracts and boost the overall immunity. Now you know why almost no fruit baskets are ever devoid of apples! Because, an apple a day keeps the doctor away!