Beat the cold in a tangy way

November 24th, 2015

Winter is the season of colourful and juicy fruits. Benefits are plenty and these fruits are must in a proper healthy diet. There are plenty of varieties to choose from. Fill up your fruit baskets with these tangy and tasty fruits that are available this season.


This fruit is a high source of Vitamin A. This juicy sweet bunch is widely available in winter. Do not forget to munch in a handful of grapes in a dull cold afternoon. This also keeps the skin soft and supple in this dry season.

Mandarin Orange

The bright colour and peculiar smell of this fruit is the main attraction in winter. It is a good source of Vitamin C, which keeps a human body immune from cough and cold in a changing weather.


This fruit is very juicy and high in citrus content. The high amount of fibre present in this fruit keeps the digestion system normal with a regular bowel movement. The vitamins and minerals present in it prevent heart diseases.


This is a variety of mandarin orange. Deep orange in colour, sweet and smooth, this is also known as seedless tangerine. It is a high source of vitamins, which prevent ulcer in stomach making digestive system stronger in a human body.

Red grapes

The most important fact about this fruit is that it contains 80% water. During winter, people forget to drink water. This irregular water intake leads to various health issues. Munching red grapes regularly keeps a normal water balance in the body keeping the skin soft and supple.


High amount of nutrients and antioxidants are present in this fruit. This helps to maintain a perfect water balance in body. The antioxidants help in preventing lung and colon cancer. It also helps to reduce inflammation and keep bone joints healthy.


This small fruit is a package of goodness. It has a high amount of fibre, which keeps the digestion system healthy and hassle free. This fruit is full of Vitamin C which helps a human body to be safe from all the viral infections.

Passion fruit

Ripe passion fruit juice is semi sweet, tangy and very tasty. It is full of Vitamin A and C. This high source of vitamins prevents untimely blindness maintaining a good eye sight.


This juicy yellowish fruit contains lot of water. If you forget enough amount of water to drink in winter, then this fruit will help your body to maintain the water balance.


This citrus fruit has high amount of Vitamin A and C. It also contains potassium, thiamine and dietary fibre. It prevents blood clotting and risk of strokes. This fruit also helps to maintain a good eye health.


This is a thick skinned juicy fruit, which is a rich source of vitamins and minerals. The saturated fat present in it helps to control the blood pressure in a human body.

Fruits are the only natural way to keep you healthy. Have a fruit and lead a good life!