10 easy flowers to grow at home!

July 21st, 2015

Growing plants at home from seeds gives a great satisfaction and enhances our gardens too. This is an inexpensive way to have some gorgeous flowers at home. There are many flowers, which you can reseed, and they come back year after year. So, here are 10 flowers you can grow at home.

  • California Poppies: A popular native of California, these flowers thrive in dry and sandy soil. Plant seeds as soon as possible. The ideal time to grow them is in the spring. California poppies usually reseed and show up in the driest corners of your garden. Happy planting!


  • Cosmos: If you want to grow heat-loving Cosmos flowers, then use any average soil. If your soil is too rich, they won’t grow well. Grow these lovelies during the late summer days and add some dash in your garden.
  • Calendula: These yellow or orange edible flower petals are to be grown in cooler temperatures. Plant the seeds during late spring and make sure to deadhead these flowers so that they bloom for a longer time


  • Four o clocks: These stunning and fragrant flowers open on cloudy days. Plant these seeds mid-summer and you will see Hummingbirds in your garden.
  • Hyacinth beans: These pretty vines grow 10 to 15 feet so you will need some support in the garden for this plant. If the pods are leftover of the plant over the winter season, it often reseeds again next year.
  • Morning Glories: Blue, purple and white, these are some of Morning Glories. They are a true beauty for your garden and are sown in full sun locations. It is recommended that you soak the seeds overnight before you plant.


  • Nasturtiums: This edible plant is worth growing in your garden. Add some spicy and peppery taste to salads, eggs and soups with the use of Nasturtiums petals. Usually, spring is the ideal season to grow this plant and make sure your soil isn’t too nitrogen rich. Otherwise, you will have more leaves than flowers.
  • Sweet Peas: Sweet scented and romantic looking Sweet Peas add a charm to spring gardens. Plant the seeds during late winter or spring and make sure you have fresh soil. This plant requires support for their stems and need rich soil.
  • Sunflowers: This glowing yellow sun loving flowers are best grown during full sun seasons. Attractive to several bees and birds, they are drought tolerant and very hardy. Sunflowers too can be used in cooking purposes. But make sure too many bees do not surround this plant in your garden otherwise you will not be able to utilise them.
  • Zinnias: This popular and beautiful flower is grown in rich soil and needs a lot of sun. They are one of the most easy to grow flowers by seeds. If you love butterflies, then Zinnias are like a magnet to them and will hover around the flower a lot.

You can grow some of these flowers and make bouquets and send it to loved ones. You can also get next day flower delivery in UK through the online companies.