Tips for Baking the Perfect Chocolate Cake

February 17th, 2016

If you are baking a chocolate cake for a special occasion, you will want to do everything to make it perfect. After you make a perfect cake, you will be ready for cake delivery.

cake delivery

 Luscious chocolate cake will melt in everyone’ mouth provided you take care of certain details:

  • Use high-quality cocoa: Try to use the best cocoa powder in the market. For a better flavour for the cake, go in for chocolate of a darker colour. But you must ascertain the ingredients are pure: the cocoa must not contain sugar- lest it spoils your measurements.
  • Quality of chocolate: The quality of the finished chocolate cake will depend on the quality of the chocolate used as ingredient. This is especially true of chocolate utilized as decoration.  By investing in more costly chocolate, your cake will turn out more delicious.
  • Preparation of tin: Remember to double line your cake tin with parchment paper. This prevents cake from drying out and helps the cake turn moist.
  • To enhance flavour: Add a half teaspoon of sea salt which will improve the flavour of the cocoa as well as balance the extra sweetness of the cake.
  • Adding chocolate: Chocolate that is coarsely grated produce a strangely mottled result and will not melt in the cake as smoothly as one expects. For a better result, one can combine melted chocolate and cocoa powder.
  • Fat content: Butter gives a tasty, rich flavour. Sometimes, milk and water are added to the batter. Milk will make the cake attractively soft.
  • Dry ingredients: Flour is the main choice but some use ground almond for a rich, marzipanny flavour. Also, essential are raising agents. You can use whisked egg whites or baking powder or baking soda bicarbonate or a combination of both. For sugar, most popular choice is fine caster sugar. Granulated sugar and dark Muscovado can be used for deep caramel flavour.
  • Added flavours: Some of these are vanilla, coffee or cinnamon.
  • Timing is key: You must pay strict attention to timings of your cake. This is vital if you don’t want your cake to dry out; you must prevent over-baking.
  • Keep away from door: Do not open door of oven till the timer goes off. It determines the difference between a great cake and an imperfect one.
  • Add fillings: Add fillings generously and take care to compensate the sumptuousness of chocolate cake with fillings of contrasting and exciting flavour.
  •  Cool away: After the cake has cooled, cover it with cling film and let it set overnight. This makes the cake easy to cut and serve next morning.
  • Try experimenting: Add some fun to the baking process. Use different textures while icing. You can contrast smooth and soft Ganache with crunchy cocoa nibs, to improve the experience of eating.
  • Make in large quantity: Don’t restrict yourself to making just one cake. Chocolate cakes disappear by the second and one will never be enough. Make enough so that everyone gets a slice or two to munch on with their tea. One can also opt for cakes delivery after one has perfected the art of baking.

These are some tips to make the perfect chocolate cake.