Make flowers last longer!

May 28th, 2015

If you love your flowers but do not know how to save them from dying, then we have solutions. Taking care of a flower is difficult, and it is tougher when you grow them in your garden. Installing new flowers in the garden takes time, effort and management. So, while you are at it, here are some tips and tricks for beautiful flowers that will last forever.

  1. Check the soil-

While gardening, it is necessary to know if the soil is appropriate to grow flowers.

  1. Fertilize –
    Fertilizing is important. Flowering plants need all the three nutrients.
  2. Water-
    To know the amount and requirement of watering plants is another essential thing. Be sure you sprinkle some water on the petals of a blooming flower.
  3. Insects prevention-

Different flowers attract different kinds of insects and keeping them away from the flowering plants is super important. Use sprays to prevent insects from entering your garden.

These were some basic tips if you are growing your own flowers through gardening. If not, here are some ways to make your bouquets of flowers last longer.  These easy home remedies are everything you need:-

  1. Soda
    If you are a fan of soda then do not drink away all of it. Since your flowers too love soda. Put a little in the flower vase with water and cut the stems and place the flowers in it. This will help the blooms stay longer.
  2. Bleach-

Add a little bleach with water in the flower vase. Make sure the quantity of bleach is lesser than water. The chemicals in the bleach will help the flowers from decaying. And will kill the bacteria’s that damage the flowers.

  1. Vinegar
    You can use light vinegar or apple cider vinegar, both work wonders. Dilute the vinegar with water and a little sugar in the flower vase. Cut the roots of the flowers and put it in.
  2. Sugar
    Sugar is food for flowers and plants. So, adding sugar in the water in the jug of the bouquet will help them live longer.
  3. Aspirin

Just like it cures our headaches, it can cure your flowers too. Dissolve aspirins in a large amount of water and place the flowers in it. This will increase the acidity of the water and prevent any bacteria from ruining the flowers.

  1. Clean vase-

Though you are trying the best ways to protect the blooms from dying, remember to use a clean vase too.

  1. A penny-

A copper penny acts as an antibacterial agent and so it helps the flowers in lasting longer. Drop a large copper penny in the flower vase and see the magic!

If you have been gifting flowers or are ordering flowers online, Express Gift Service has the best online flower delivery to send your wishes on time.