Fruits which deserve your attention!

December 29th, 2015

The total variety of fruits is infinite. While most of us know only about the daily fruits like Apple, banana, guava, etc., what we do not know is that there are thousands of fruits, which have lots of health benefits. And these deserve recognition too. So let’s meet the fruits we bet you haven’t heard of.

Sugar apple – Sweetsop or sugar apple belongs to the tropical America but is widely grown in Philippines, India and Pakistan too. The look of the fruit is like that of a pine cone of 5cm in diameter. Beneath the lumpy and hard skin is very fragrant flesh of sugar apple that holds several in it. The taste is slightly that of custard.

Mammee Apple – Santo Domingo apricot or mammee Apple is an evergreen tree, which belongs to South Africa and later was brought into other countries of the world too, including Hawaii and Florida. The Apple is a berry of 25 cm in diameter. Its outer rind is thick and has yellowish pulp within. The seeds inside depend upon the size of the fruit. The fragrant pulp is sweet.

Cherymoya – Custard apple or Cherymoya is a deciduous plant that is found in the mountainous regions of South America. In shape, it is round and there are 3 varieties of skin in which these are found -Tuberculate, which is covered in modules, Impressa, which is indented and Intermediate, which is an amalgamation of the two. Inside the skin, the flesh is fragrant and juicy and its consistency is almost like that of custard. They say that the taste of the fruit is a combination of passion fruit, banana, pineapple and papaya. The taste feels amazing on the taste buds.

Platonia–bacuri or Platonia- It is a very large tree found in the rain forests of Paraguay and Brazil. The size of the fruit is almost like that of an orange, and it has a thick peel that gives out yellow latex on being pressed. There is a white sticky pulp inside, which is wrapped in black seeds. It tastes good and the flavour is both sweet and sour.

Cocona–Another tropical fruit from the mountainous areas of South America is the Cocona, which grows on very small shrubs and in less than 8 months these somehow grow from small seeds to big fruits. And it takes another one month for the fruit to ripen. It is a berry and its colour is red, yellow or orange. The look of the fruit is somewhat like tomatoes and the taste is said to be like tomatoes and lemon mixed.

Breadfruit – This belongs to the family of mulberry. It is native to the Philippines and other Southeast Asian islands. It is somewhat like bananas since it can be consumed raw on being ripe and can be cooked when it is unripe.

So, this season when you send someone a fruit basket, try and incorporate one of these fruits into it to make it a special assortment basket. And don’t forget to introduce these fruits to the others too!